Steve Nash On Giving Advice To Kevin Durant: "Do You Know What I Respect About LeBron James?"

Published July 6, 2021 at 6:19 PM

You would think that NBA superstar Kevin Durant would know everything there is to know. He is a Finals MVP and undoubtedly one of the best guys playing. But even KD could learn a thing or two...especially about social media.

According to author Matt Sullivan, Steve Nash once gave some pretty solid advice to Durant about Twitter and the little Twitter tiffs he gets into with people online. The current coach of the Nets was just an assistant coach with the Golden State Warriors when he had this talk with Durant but the advice still stands.

"Nash told Sullivan he tried to get KD to stop beefing with kids on twitter but he failed. He said "you could just see the strain on his face that third year on the Warriors. He was staring at that phone all the time." So he can't get over this, he's out here having GOAT "top 5" debates, trying to make sure he's in that conversation on twitter. He says he's over it but he's not. And I don't think he's really changed since the Bay. The only difference is Brooklyn lets him be him and doesn't get in his face like Kerr did."

It seems that Durant didn't listen to Nash as he is still getting into with random people on Twitter. The other piece of advice Nash gave was also spot-on, commenting on what he loves about LeBron James, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and other legends of the game. According to Nash, all of those icons of the NBA reached a point when they just said "f-ck it."

"You know what I respect about LeBron? I respect the fact that when he got to Miami and he got sick of the narratives, sick of the haters, all the talk. You know what he did? LeBron just said fuck it and was great. Same with Michael, same with Kobe. Same with all the greats. They all had to say fuck it and then they were all on that next level. So you know what you gotta do? You just gotta say 'fuck it' like LeBron did."

Sage advice from Nash. Hopefully it's something that Durant takes into consideration as he gets older and wiser and maybe wins another ring or two.