RUMOR: Kevin Love Is On His Way To Brooklyn
While Kevin Love still has two years and $60 million on his contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers, there is a good chance that the NBA star might be packing his bags in the near future. His last season with the Cavs was very rough (as it was for the whole team) and it seems more and more likely that Love is going to be heading elsewhere soon.
Now, there is a new rumor that Love could be facing a buyout with the Cavs and shipping himself off to join Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, James Harden, and Blake Griffin in Brooklyn. The New York Post says that Love is going to be a "prime target" for the Nets. While some may balk at the idea, saying that Love is past his prime, it is worth noting that the same was said about Griffin and then he was revitalized when he moved to Brooklyn. That could also happen to Love.However, there are other possible final destinations for Love. Apparently, Portland is seriously considering signing Love if he is bought out by the Cavs, according to Evan Dammarell. That would make sense since Love comes from that part of the country and would love to travel back home. He would also fit in quite well to the Trail Blazers line-up under new head coach Chauncy Billups. Another possible home for him is the Bay Area with the Golden State Warriors.
Love used to be a premier player in the league and, in the right environment, he might rise to greatness again. Let's see who wants to take a chance on him and give him something to fight for.