Kevin Durant Says It Is Not True That 'Nobody Gets Guarded Like Stephen Curry'
With Brooklyn Nets playoff campaign ended over a month, Kevin Durant has a lot of time replying to the haters and educating NBA fans on Twitter.
Durant decided to host a session on Twitter called ‘Twitter Spaces'. Spaces are public, so anyone can join as a Listener, including people who don't follow youDurant and those ones who joined the session talked about basketball.
Durant exchanged words to somebody at one point, debating on which player gets the 'worst' treatment in the league between Stephen Curry and James Harden.
One fan said that Curry was double-teamed full court.
Durant didn't agree on that.
"That's not true bro, I'm sorry. I've seen James Harden get doubled just like that," Durant replied.
"I'm talking about one scenario, on the ball, on the ball. Don't talk off the ball right now. On the ball, if two people run into the half-court, tell me the difference between it happening with Steph and James Harden.
Same result, that's all I'm saying. Off the ball, it's different. Steph creates way more opportunities off the ball because he can catch and shoot quick and he run off-- I'm not talking about that scenario. I'm talking about dribbling, up the court with the ball in your hands and two people come up."